The Network Multicultural InitiativeMulticultural Initiative

A Community of Diversity

The Network is intentionally growing as a community committed to diversity. When you attend the Extravaganza or engage in one of the ministries offered by our Network, we hope you will experience a broad spectrum of leaders from a variety of backgrounds and cultures. Our Multicultural Initiative has helped us grow our Network and has blessed us with extraordinary leaders who have gone on to speak and share music during our annual "Extravaganza" General Sessions, and to offer workshops to peers, provide content for our Network publications and podcasts, and offer their leadership in planning and implementing our events.

Multicultural Initiative at the ExtravaganzaMulticultural Initiative

The ELCA’s Youth Ministry Network invites leaders of color to participate in its Multicultural Initiative at the annual continuing education conference called Extravaganza. In our continuing efforts to make our community more representative, we humbly offer free registration to participants of color. If you work with children/youth (or know someone who does), this is an awesome opportunity. 

The Multicultural Initiative is an effort to strengthen our grassroots network by increasing our diversity. We have space for 12 returning participants and 12 brand new participants. We ask interested participants to go through an application process. Applications are open through the summer and into the fall. Consider applying today.

Submit your application

Contact Krystal for more information about the Multicultural Initiative. 

Learn More About the Experience: